Breed: Long coat. German Shepard.
DOB: 12/31/14
Gotcha date: 4/2/15
Handler: Teresa
Hometown: Austintown Ohio
Favorites: playing with a 10-inch ball in the yard with my pack mates, sticks to chew on, and lots of beef treats.

All About Me
Hi, my name is Thorin ARANWEN‘ S NIALL. I was a New Year’s Eve puppy.
My fur-baby mama, Theresa, began training with me over eight years ago! I love playing with my 10-inch ball, pushing it with my nose and kicking it with my feet! Mom and I often play soccer. I live in a pack – mom has seven of us! We all play in the backyard. Mom still thinks it’s funny I sleep in the bathtub I love to go with mom everywhere. I enjoy meeting people of all ages! When not on a therapy visit. We often go to stores and camping events. Being a therapy team member is important to my mom and me. we visit two nursing homes monthly. I enjoy all the pets I get and seeing all the happy faces! I also enjoy going to school and being a part of the reading programs. I hope sometime to be able to visit with you!
