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beagle puppy

Our Fun-loving Pups at Work

bella rose.
therapy dog thursday 10-12-23
niles primary school
Autism walk
McKinley Library
Closeup of a Black Dog_edited.
VA2K Walk and Roll
PAWS logo.tif
Youngstown State University

THANK YOU both so much (and Abby too!) for coming to speak to students in the YSU Student Nonprofit Leadership Organization (SNLO) this afternoon.

The PAWS Therapy Team is an amazing organization with such a meaningful mission during such good work here in the Mahoning Valley. It was a pleasure and honor to meet you both and learn more about your organization. I would absolutely love to be a part of the therapy team…. It’s a future goal. I’m a dog lover, and would love to attend events and be a part of your mission. Maybe my next dog will be more suited for it. 

Laura J. Dewberry

Williamson College of Business Administration

Youngstown State University

PAWS Visit at YSU
paws logo
Thank you to our P.A.W.S. Pups!
hilltop letter
hilltop kids artwork
hilltop kids artwork
lowellville paws visit
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